Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Lana Del Rey Nail Arts (Using Printer)

Decal nail stickers are getting popular recently. However I could not find the one that I like here and I am pretty lazy to get it online. So I Google and Youtube for alternatives and yes I found it! I cannot remember which video I referred to but there is plenty of them, no worries! 
I am so in love with Lana Del Rey's songs recently especially Young and Beautiful, Summertime Sadness and Video Games. <3 <3 She is so pretty in a classical way! Love her voice as well! Since I am so into Lana, therefore I decided to do my nails with her gorgeous face. =)
Okay, now let's get to the point. You will need:

Your favourite designs, clip arts or photos (I prefer using photo because the it is precise and could not recreated by drawing). Print them in different sizes because your nails are not similar in sizes~

Mine was printed using In-Jet Ink. Tips: Try using paper less than 80gsm. I am using 80gsm and it was quite thick. Remember, the thinner the paper the more natural the effect will be. ^.-

Scissors to cut out the design.
 Any colours of nail polishes will do. I recommend using pale pink or nude colours if you are using a person's photo. The colours used with be the undertone. Using green or blue nail polishes like above will give you a greenish or blue-ish skintone. =P 
Clear nail polishes or top coat of your choices.
Cut out the design.
 Tadah, Lana~
Tips: Cut the bottom corners round. This is because our nails cuticles are oval in shape not sharp rectangular edge~

Final cut.

Now paint your nails.
I am using light pink here.

Wait patiently until it completely dry before you apply for clear coat or top coat. Do not apply too much. Too much will takes times to dry = time to stick the design on the nails~

Stick the design on.

Make sure you check the sides as well. We do not want any edge sticking out. Press every edge firmly to make sure the surface is smooth.

When the surface is confirmed smooth, apply the sealing layer, clear or top coat. You may apply as many layers as you like. Apply more layers to smoothen the gap between the paper and your real nails.

Tadah~ Finished.
 Another pic.

This nail arts are extremely easy but it can be messy sometimes. Keep practice and you will gained experience on how it works on you.

Good luck in trying everyone~

With Love,
Jiana, L.

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